Make an instant payment using your credit card to pay your bill online or over the phone. Please call us n 1300 972 702 to speak to one of our customer service operators and have your account number handy if you’re planning to pay by phone.

Note: There is a surcharge of 1.75% for Visa/Mastercard and 3.5% for Amex/Diners. Avoid these surcharges by paying with direct debit from your bank account.

Set up a direct debit

One Off Payments FAQs

  • What credit cards are accepted?
    You can make payments with credit cards Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Diners.
  • Is there a fee to pay by credit card?
    There is a surcharge of 1.75% for Visa/Mastercard and 3.5% for Amex/Diners